The criminological concept of <<policing>> applied to the police use of force in the general body of the Canarian police


  • Jesús González Gutiérrez Subcomisario del Cuerpo General de la Policía Canaria



policing, police detection, use of force, basic principles of action, operational intervention system


The term policing could be considered as a tool with social functions, aimed to maintaining the security of society at the present time, being one of the main processes on which the legitimacy of the police and especially its strategy depends. At the time of a crime and even more when police detention is carried out, the use of force is a tool of the police forces to perform their daily service, which according to the basic principles of Act 2 / 86 forces and Security Corps should follow a gradual process in the manner in which it should be developed. Whith this objective, the Canary Police Corp has created a system of continuous training called Police Tactical Operational Intervention System. This system has been created as a basic doctrine that allows the components of the Corps to deal with situations that may occur in the operational service, being a set of operative techniques of action, extracted from various combat arts, adapted to the needs of the police forces, based on the gradual use of force and principle of minimum lesivity towards the alleged offender. What this paper intends is to carry out a descriptive and statistical study to evaluate this system, its repercussion in the Canary Police Corp and in society in general. It is intended to relate the conclusions of the study with some of the policing approaches related to the term policing.


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How to Cite

González Gutiérrez, J. (2024). The criminological concept of <<policing>> applied to the police use of force in the general body of the Canarian police. Revista Canaria De Administración Pública, (2), 119–132.



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