Analysis and reflections on the new law on elections to the Parliament of the Canary Islands and its projection in the regional elections of 2023


  • Rosario García Mahamut Catedrática de Derecho Constitucional de la Universitat Jaume I



Law 1/2022 on Elections to the Parliament of the Canary Islands, the Canarian electoral system, the Canarian electoral regime, Representation of the People Institutional Act 5/1985, regional elections, absent Canarian residents vote


On May 24, 2022, the new law on elections to the Parliament of the Canary Islands came into force. This article addresses, from a technical-legal perspective, the analysis of the main innovations that the above-mentioned new law incorporates which, basically, affect the new Canarian electoral system. However, and given that an electoral law does not exclusively affect the electoral system, we analyse those aspects of the electoral regime that might have been convenient to incorporate, as it results in an improvement in the quality of the Canarian democratic system (type of lists, obligation to carry out electoral debates, the joint composition of the lists) and those others that must necessarily be adopted as a consequence of the most current reforms of the Organic Law of the General Electoral Procedure (LOREG) and that, precisely, the Canarian regional legislator has competence (procedural aspects, institutional campaign or electoral administration of the vote of Canaries abroad -article 75 LOREG-, among others).


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How to Cite

García Mahamut, R. (2023). Analysis and reflections on the new law on elections to the Parliament of the Canary Islands and its projection in the regional elections of 2023. Revista Canaria De Administración Pública, (1), 17–43.



Políticas públicas, desarrollo estatutario y Agenda Canaria de Desarrollo Sostenible