Datos policiales e Inteligencia Artificial: Un equilibrio delicado entre la privacidad, la utilidad y la ética


  • María Teresa Jefa de servicio de Seguridad en el Gobierno de Canarias
  • Pedro Juan Baquero Pérez Profesor asociado de la Universidad de la Laguna y jefe de servicio de Informática y Comunicaciones del Gobierno de Canarias




Artificial Intelligence (AI), privacy, ethics, police scope, personal data protection


This article addresses the critical intersection between artificial intelligence (AI), privacy, and ethics in the realm of policing. It explores how AI offers unprecedented opportunities for enhancing efficiency in the collection and processing of data in criminal investigations, but also how it poses ethical challenges and risks to privacy and data protection. From ethical dilemmas in data collection and the use of predictive crime algorithms to the risks associated with data inference and profiling, the article examines the various facets of the issue. The tension between deontological and utilitarian approaches in privacy ethics is also considered, and specific methods to mitigate risks are introduced, such as anonymization, consent and notification, data deletion, and differential privacy. Finally, it provides a multidimensional analysis of the challenges and approaches in this emerging field.


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How to Cite

María Teresa, & Baquero Pérez, P. J. (2024). Datos policiales e Inteligencia Artificial: Un equilibrio delicado entre la privacidad, la utilidad y la ética. Revista Canaria De Administración Pública, (Extraordinario), 143–175. https://doi.org/10.36151/RCAP.ext.6



Gobierno abierto, datos y nuevas tecnologías en la Administración Pública