Las administraciones públicas como instrumento integrador de la diversidad


  • Cristina Duce Pérez-Blasco Letrada del Parlamento de Canarias



The concept of functional diversity has undergone a profound evolution until today when it has been concluded that its causes are social so it is up to society to pursue its normalization. The approval by the United Nations of the International Convention of Persons with Disabilities on December 13, 2006, imposed on the Administrations of the Signatory States the obligation to hire people from this group. In Spain, its fulfillment is carried out either through participation in the selective processes convened as a result of the execution of approved public employment offers that have legally foreseen the reservation of a quota for people with disabilities, or through the tool of public procurement that since the approval of Directive 2014/24 / EU and its transposition into the Spanish legal system through the Law on Public Sector Contracts, has allowed great progress in the field.


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How to Cite

Pérez-Blasco, C. D. (2024). Las administraciones públicas como instrumento integrador de la diversidad. Revista Canaria De Administración Pública, (2), 51–68.



Políticas públicas, desarrollo estatutario y Agenda Canaria de Desarrollo Sostenible