The "restructuring expert"
Insolvency law, restructuring plans, practitioner (in the field) of restructuringAbstract
Regulation 16/2022, of September 5, as a transposition regulation of Directive (EU) 2019/1023, has introduced the novel figure of the «practitioner (in the field) of restructuring». Its basic functions are to assist the debtor and the creditors in the negotiations and in the preparation of the restructuring plan, and to inform the judge by preparing and submitting certain reports. The practitioner in no case intervenes or supervises the debtor’s powers of administration and disposition of assets, but his role is called to be decisive in the restructuring process. As the restructuring processes are strongly de-judicialized, it is necessary a greater monitoring of the practitioner’s performance by the debtor’s creditors, including public creditors. For this purpose, it is necessary to know the regime of the new figure.
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