News on security in the new Statute of Autonomy of the Canary Islands: Advances in the collaboration and coordination of Local Police


  • María Teresa Hernández Borges Jefa de Servicio de Seguridad de la Consejería de Administraciones Públicas, Justicia y Seguridad. Gobierno de Canarias



public security, supramunicipal coordination, local police, local police, Security Forces and Bodies, Statute of Autonomy of the Canary Islands


This article addresses the relationship between the right to security and Public Security, focusing on the competencies and coordination among the State, Autonomous Communities, and Local Corporations. It analyzes the new Statute of Autonomy and the developments in the Canarian Autonomous Police, civil protection and maritime rescue, private security, and the penitentiary system. To a greater extent, it discusses the coordination and cooperation among local police forces, emphasizing the importance of intermunicipal collaboration and supramunicipal coordination in the Canary Islands. Finally, it mentions other legal challenges in the area of local public service, such as the delimitation of competencies of mobility agents and the exercise of authority by interim officials. In conclusion, the article highlights the importance of increased cooperation, coordination, and unification of police forces to optimize resources and provide better service to citizens.


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How to Cite

Hernández Borges, M. T. (2023). News on security in the new Statute of Autonomy of the Canary Islands: Advances in the collaboration and coordination of Local Police. Revista Canaria De Administración Pública, (1), 81–108.



Políticas públicas, desarrollo estatutario y Agenda Canaria de Desarrollo Sostenible