Las superiores competencias de la Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias (en relación con las demás) como archipiélago Atlántico, en materia de costas y el mar territorial


  • Antonio Domínguez Vila Profesor Titular de Derecho Constitucional ULL. Secretario Superior de Admón. Local y Administrador General de la CA de Canarias (excedente) Abogado
  • Gerardo Pérez Sánchez Doctor en Derecho Constitucional por la ULL. Profesor A. de Derecho Constitucional ULL Abogado



costas, canary waters, territorial sea, aquitorio, Canary Islands, competencies, State


With the approval of Organic Law 1/2018, of November 5, reforming the Statute of Autonomy of the Canary Islands, important changes have occurred in terms of the coasts and the waters that surround it, both in relation to the assumption of powers by the Autonomous Community, as well as the very configuration of the spatial scope of the Canary Islands that transcends the territory to the aquitorio, when outlined, in said Statute, by drawing a perimeter contour between the most salient extreme points of the islands and islets that they comprise, and encompassing the maritime space that is integrated within of these lines as “Canary Waters” and as the maritime jurisdiction of the Community. In accordance with the new Statute, the exercise of state or regional powers over the Canary Islands waters and over the remaining maritime spaces surrounding the Canary Islands, over which the Spanish State exercises sovereignty or jurisdiction, will be carried out taking into account the material distribution of powers established constitutionally and statutorily, both for these spaces and for terrestrial ones. This article studies the new configuration of the coastal regime and maritime space.


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How to Cite

Domínguez Vila, A., & Pérez Sánchez, G. (2024). Las superiores competencias de la Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias (en relación con las demás) como archipiélago Atlántico, en materia de costas y el mar territorial. Revista Canaria De Administración Pública, (3), 73–128.



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