La inclusión de las subvenciones y ayudas públicas en el plan estratégico de subvenciones y la posibilidad de un plan estratégico abreviado en determinados casos específicos


  • Roberto Reyes Torres Jefe del Servicio de Asuntos Generales y Política Exterior. Dirección General de Relaciones con África del Gobierno de Canarias.



Planning, Strategic Grant Plan (SSP), public resources, transparency, concurrence


The main purpose of this article is to make public authorities, both managers, aware of their task of ensuring compliance with and implementation of the provisions in force governing the approval, monitoring and control of Strategic Grant Plans (SGP) and in particular to senior decision-makers responsible for ensuring the principles of good governance in the implementation and implementation of the above-mentioned planning instruments, while noting their importance, obligatoriness and indispensability. In the same sense, reference is made to its publication in the National Subsidy Database (BDNS), to the inclusion in the SGP of subsidies and aids from the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan granted by the Government of Spain (Next Generation EU Funds), in line with the Sustainable Development Goals and gender mainstreaming to promote gender equality through the elimination of inequalities and the promotion of gender equality. It also makes special reference to its approval and processing in the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands, and finally addresses the public allocations that remain outside the strategic planning.


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How to Cite

Reyes Torres, R. (2024). La inclusión de las subvenciones y ayudas públicas en el plan estratégico de subvenciones y la posibilidad de un plan estratégico abreviado en determinados casos específicos. Revista Canaria De Administración Pública, (3), 131–154.



Procedimiento administrativo, contratos, convenios y subvenciones